Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Evacuation Information

In order to keep in contact with our school families, if an evacuation order is given, I am giving you this relevant information to be placed in your evacuation kit:

When you arrive at your safe destination and after calling family and friends to let them know your status and whereabouts, please call my cell phone (317) 525-8946 or Calvary Lutheran Church (317) 783-2000 and leave your name and phone number you can be reached. We would like to hear from every family, and the church will be manning the phones 24 hours a day for us.

If a computer is available you may email me through Calvary Lutheran Church. Simply go to www.clcs.org and click on "Hurricane Evacuation." Please leave the indicated information. Also we will have them post the latest information concerning the reopening of school.

We will do our best to keep in contact with you by posting the latest information on the Lutheran High website: lutheranhighschool.net

We are truly concerned about the safety of your family and wish to keep in contact so we can restart the educational process as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

Calvin Behrens, LHS Principal