Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Drama Performance of Harvey

Do you believe in Pookas? LHS's theater department will present "Harvey" on Saturday, February 7th and Sunday, February 8th in the gymnasium of Atonement Lutheran Church and School (6500 Riverside Dr., Metairie. Saturday will include a dinner at 6pm (by Chef John Heine), with the show to follow at 7pm. Sunday evening's show will begin at 7pm, and desserts will be sold during intermission. Ticket prices are as follows:

Saturday Night Dinner Theater:
Adult (13yrs and up) $15
Child (5-12yrs) $10
Table (8 people) $100
Sunday Night Performance:
Adult (13yrs and up) $10
Child (5-12 yrs) $5

For more information, send email to gryphontheatreguild@gmail.com or call the school office at 455-4062. Online information and ticket purchases can be found here.