Tuesday, August 31, 2010

2010 Homecoming Court

Congratulations to the following students elected for the 2010 LHS Homecoming Court:

Kaelin Waterman
Dustin Hoffman

Angela Napier
Chase Reynolds

Lindsay Laborde
Mike Jones

Kristina Aranda
Christian Klein

Homecoming Queen:
Haven Crappel
Homecoming King:
Jonathan Davis

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Freshman/Senior Week 2010

This week is Freshman/Senior week--a week that provides an opportunity for freshmen to be welcomed to the LHS family by the seniors. Here are the events for the week:

Monday (Aug. 30): ice cream sundae party

Tuesday (Aug. 31): breakfast @ Cafe DuMonde (on Veterans) at 6:45am & "Super Hero" dress up day

Wednesday (Sept. 1): The Amazing Race competition & team color day

Thursday (Sept. 2): Picnic @ Johnny Bright

Football & Volleyball Season Schedules

Come out and support your Gryphon volleyball and football players this season by attending some games. You can access the volleyball and football season schedules online or see the game schedules for the week on the homepage of the LHS website.