Friday, December 19, 2008

Boys Basketball Game Cancellation

The boys basketball game scheduled for Tuesday, December 23 versus St. Martin has been cancelled. The girls team will still be playing Hannan at Atonement, starting at 6:00pm. In addition, the boys basketball tournament at Ridgewood (scheduled for December 27-30) has also been cancelled.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Door Decorating

The Student Council recently held their annual Christmas luncheon and door decorating contest. Congratulations to Ms. Roy's Religion II (Three French Hens) and Ms. Dombrowski's Creative Writing (Two Turtledoves) classes who won the door decorating contest. Other honorable mentions include Dr. Wilson's Honors Algebra (Six Geese A-Laying) and Ms. Rost's Psychology (Four Calling Birds) classes.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Early Dismissal 12/10/08

School will be dismissed at 1:00 on Wednesday, December 10, due to the boys basketball game at the New Orleans Arena, starting at 2:30pm. Please arrange transportation to accommodate for this early dismissal.